Acupuncture is used for more than just pain believe it or not! Acupuncture can be used to treat and heal:
Digestive system disorders: toothache, post-extraction pain, gingivitis, mouth ulcers, hiccough, spasms of the oesophagus, gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastric hyperacidity, gastritis, heartburn, hiatus hernia, IBS, diarrhoea, constipation, haemorrhoids, liver and gall bladder disorders, and weight control
Respiratory conditions: bronchial asthma, acute and chronic bronchitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, chronic cough, laryngitis, sore throat, influenza, and the common cold
Gynaecological and obstetric disorders: premenstrual syndrome, painful, heavy or irregular, or the absence of periods, abnormal uterine bleeding or discharge, hormonal imbalances, menopausal disorders, prolapse of the uterus or bladder, difficulty with conception, and nausea associated with pregnancy.
Musculoskeletal disorders: osteoarthritis, sciatica, weak back or low back pain, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, shoulder and neck pain, cervicobrachial syndrome, 'tennis elbow', and 'frozen shoulder'
Sporting injuries: sprained knees and ankles, cartilage problems, muscle tears, bruises and torn ligaments
Psychological conditions: depression, anxiety, emotional disturbances, phobias, and addictions (such as smoking)
Skin conditions: dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, nerve rash (shingles), herpes zoster, acne, scar tissue and adhesions, hair loss
Neurological conditions: migraines, peripheral neuropathy, trigeminal neuralgia, vertigo, dizziness, sleeping disorders
Cardiovascular disorder: high or low blood pressure, poor circulation, cold hands and feet, fluid retention, chest pain, muscle cramps
Urogenital disorders: cystitis, prostatitis, low libido, urinary retention, kidney disorders, nocturnal enuresis
Eye conditions: visual disorders, red, sore, itchy or watery eyes, conjunctivitis, simple cataracts, myopia in children, and central retinitis
So, a lot more than just pain! Disease is a form of dis-ease in the body. Acupuncture works to bring the body back into balance so that dis-ease does not become a disease in your body. Schedule your acupuncture appointment today to find better health and harmony in your body!